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Adventurers & Guides, Share Your Stories!
I'll listen and do the writing

I am interviewing and compiling the stories of adventurers and guides (mountaineers, rivers rats, climbers and the sorts) into a book telling of the highs and lows of this unique lifestyle that comes with an unparalleled backdrop of cascading mountains, carving gorges and wide-open spaces.




What draws us here?

Why do we do what we do?

What foundation is our community built on?

What about your own identity?

What ends up being sacrificed?

Is it worth it?

Is it sustainable?

How can we make it better?

And whose job is it to do so?




The idea for this book has been brewing since Luke, a mountaineer guide and man I deeply loved, died in a mountain accident on March 6, 2022. Luke and I met on a three-month long NOLS course. Like a glacially-fed river, our lives separated and weaved as we both pursued the evolution of guiding and seasonal avenues. It was a lifestyle that we both loved, in environments that allowed us to experience being fully alive amongst kindred spirits and wide-open spaces, but that also felt unbalanced. 


The first article I ever had published was Luke's tribute on The second article I wrote appeared on Outside Online Let Me Tell You The Truth About Being an Adventure Guide, introducing a lesser-talked about side of guiding, particularly around the lack of resources and access to mental health support. 

The amount of outreach I received from other guides (current, past and aspiring) and their loved ones has been astounding. Most of the messages saying "thank you, for putting words to something I didn't know how to talk about."


We, amongst our outdoor communities, oftentimes exacerbate the physical risks and vulnerability required to pursue our activities, while diminishing the emotional vulnerability that it takes to show up truly courageously.


This book will be a way for guides and their loved-ones to validate their lesser-voiced experiences, open up conversation and build sustainable community, both within the adventure context and hopefully, extending beyond.  


If you have a story that you are ready to share, reach out and let's have a conversation!

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